As much as I love veggies like Carrots, Potatoes, Cucumbers etc I’m pretty lazy when it comes to peeling them for my recipes. My old peeler has been around for years and doesn’t glide as smoothly as I’d like it to.If my hands are wet it often slips and has scraped my skin a few times!Not fun.When Deiss sent me their Julienne and vegetable peeler I didn’t know what to expect since I’d been using my old peeler for years and didn’t know any better. Boy is it amazing! Peeling, slicing and julienning veggies have never been so effortless and smooth!I love it and use it almost everyday in my kitchen. It’s also easy to clean and dishwasher safe.As with any Deiss product you can expect superior quality and lifetime warranty. Highly recommended!
Deiss also sent me their Apple corer and slicer;something that I didn’t use until now. Coring and slicing fruits and vegetables is now literally a one-motion process. It has a firm non slip grip and very comfortable.You can core and slice a myriad of fruits and veggies like apples, plums, pears, tomato, peach, avocado, potatoes etc..It’s a great tool to have on hand when you want perfectly cut fruits and veggies for your recipes.Saves time and effort!I’ve been my enjoying fruits salads that’s a breeze now with this product!It’s also dishwasher-safe and comes with a lifetime warranty as expected with a Deiss product always.Thankyou Deiss!
You can find Deiss products on Amazon…just click on these links to order:
Deiss Juleinne/Vegetable Peeler
Deiss Apple Corer and Slicer Set
Disclaimer:Deiss sent me these products and all opinion are my own.
WOW! lovely like this post. What a great review. it’s really amazing.